Dear 8 Year-Old

     By the time you are eight, you usually find out what you are good at. Work hard at these things cause they will be what you are known for. It can be a certain sport, playing an instrument, fishing. Don't waist your time on things you were not meant for and focus on the things you excel in. I figured this out when I was around eight and I discovered that I wanted to play basketball instead of baseball because I liked basketball more and I was better at it.
     As you grow older you may discover more talents that you have. I have been fishing ever since I was little but not every day like I want and try to do now. I only discovered recently that I was good at fishing and now I have found every pond near Baton Rouge that has fish in it. Always hold on to the things that you are good at and work hard at them because they represent you.


  1. Wonderful blog chap! I enjoyed your helpful advice to an 8 year old. This could really help them out.

  2. I wish I had this great of advice for myself when I was eight. I'm glad you have figured wha really matters to you!


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