Response to "Check. Mate?"

     Last week our english class read a personal narrative titled Check. Mate? written by a college student named Miles Pequeno. The story is about how he earns his right of passage by beating his Dad in a game of chess one day. This narrative is my favorite among the others we have read so far for numerous reasons. The students word choice is excellent and uses vocabulary like "posthumous" and "deposed." I can also connect with this student because I was somewhat in his position at one point to.
     As the paragraphs progress the boy in the narrative matures more and more. When the Dad decides that it is time to stop letting the boy win, The author uses a great metaphor. He wrote "Dad had decided to take off the training wheels." This is the point in the narrative when the boy starts to mature. When it comes time for the big chess match, everything is described with great detail down to the chess pieces.


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