Response to Naomi Nye's Reading

     At school last week we were very lucky to meet author Naomi Nye. It was kind of cool to the face of the person behind all of these writings. She wrote one of my favorite personal narratives that we have read so far; Mint Snowball. She read poetry to us and told us how she visited a school in Canada. I found it very relaxing to listen to her.
     After the bell rung and it was time to go to class, Me and some other people went up to talk to her. I greeted here and we shook hands. Then I asked her if she ever found the recipe for the mint snowball and her response was very interesting. She said that her great-grandfather's house had some papers in the attic and they might be related to the mint snowball. She called the person who was currently holding the house and asked if she could pick them up or if he could send them to her. He responded that he was very busy and she would have to check in with him later.


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